Saturday, April 11, 2009


"Once, an accident; twice, a co-incidence but thrice, a blunder!" Whosoever was the smartass to say that was so annoyingly spot-on!

Emotions, they’re 'a dime a dozen'. Plenty of them flying around all over the place; some spoken, others just emoted & most which die silently. Just like coins, each one of them is valued differently & each has the ‘other side’ to it. Love–sacrifice, elation–insecurity, greed–jealously, friendship–competitiveness, loneliness–fear, feeling cheated–distrust, caring–being taken for granted & many more.

Their silence is the loudest & yet is always inaudible… dying a non-existential death! Those which manifest are often ignored or misunderstood. Quite inexplicably, they are considered justifiable, but not just! Funny, isn’t it? Yes, paradoxes usually are…

Someone once said, "In nature, there are neither rewards nor punishments; there are consequences...". Just like the other laws of nature, there are no exceptions to it. So when i experience the “thrice, a blunder” phenomenon, at most times i myself have caused it into manifestation & probably deservedly so.

“Emotions, my friend, are the distant cousins of the Devil. Entertain them & you’ll surely ruin yourself.” Sounds like one of those witty Siddhuisms, doesn’t it? But to be slightly immodest, it is actually an original thought. You can call it a catch line if you will. Whatever it is, it sure does sound slightly funny at first. But read carefully & think hard & you’re sure to nod in agreement that not much of it is untrue. I’ve experienced it so many times… every time my emotions suck me into a deep pit. I crash-land on the surface inside, and then wriggle out of it with all my energy. Once outside, i find myself badly bruised, my mind half-dead! Somehow i recover from the trauma, & then the same cycle follows over & over again.

So the New Year’s message (Yeah, April is New Year for the finance community!) from up above is that, i must dump all the emotional crap & deal with life in a more practical way. I’ve decided to implement it.


Love hurts, truth betrays,
Friendships wither, family decays,

All that seemed worth a million bucks,
Suddenly i find the same all sucks!

So i try to manage to cry a little,
At once the Devil comes calling,

He shatters my world so fast,
i can’t even see myself falling!